Multi-Strategy is a global and diversified financial investment strategy, whose main objective is to reduce the risks of a moderate risk portfolio.
Multi-Strategy invests in assets and strategies that have had good returns in recent major crises, so far only available to large institutional investors.
Multi-Strategy has an expected return of 4.5% per year and volatility of less than 10%.

We want to know you
Answer an investor profile questionnaire. Contact us if you have any questions, and we will help you..

Your Personalized Investment Plan
We will send you your Personalized Investment Plan along with the necessary documents.

Become a customer
Digitally sign the documents, and provide us with the documentation we ask for [?]e.g. identity card if you are living in Spain.. We will help you: it's easier than it seems.

We will help you to invest, following your Personalized Investment Plan.

Follow up
We monitor your investments on a recurring basis.

Your investments are in a securities account of a high-solvency bank.
We don't have your securities account password. Only you have it.
We do not have access to either your personal checking account or your personal debit card if your Personalized Investment Plan allows it.
Your securities account has the guarantee of the Investment Guarantee Fund of up to 100.000 euros per holder. [?]If you choose a Spanish or Luxembourg bank..
Empodering EAF, S.L. is supervised by the Spanish financial regulator, the CNMV.
We minimize your total investment cost.
We do not receive incentives from managers to market their investment funds, nor have we ever done so. We use the class of each investment fund that has the lowest possible management fee.
We avoid billing you directly [?]We do not have access to your personal current account or to your debit card., if your Personalized Investment Plan allows it.